Adding $LUSD as a bridgeable token

Hey there,

I would like to suggest adding $LUSD as a bridgeable token. Buy doing that, Across will not only better serve its customers, but will get additional competitive advantage over Hop (who doesn’t support $LUSD), and will be better positioned to compete with Stargate (that does support $LUSD).

What do you think guys?


I think that currently, LUSD is positioning itself well in the L2s races.

Arbitrum 6 Million
Optimism 6 Million

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I have always liked the idea of supporting LUSD, but I think the challenge for the protocol is where the liquidity will come from/who would provide it so that we would have enough to meet demand. What are Stargate’s volumes for LUSD like?

After doing some research, it seems like adding $LUSD would really help to support the LATM community, which I’m in full support of. We’re taking a closer look at adding support for this. Thank you for your proposal!

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