Support Mode chain bridge routes

Point of Contact

Adam: Head of Business Development
Deez: Head of Growth

Proposal Details

Proposal Overview

The Mode core team proposes the integration of Across to Mode. In collaboration with the Across core team, the Mode team has been working to ensure the new chain requirements and technical feasibility (more below in the implementation section) regarding the implementation of the bridge adapters. No technical hurdles prevent a successful deployment outside of the standard auditing processes.

At deployment, we propose the following routes be enabled:

  • Token[s]: ETH, USDC, USDT, WBTC
  • Route: Supported Chains <> Mode

Proposal Motivation & Benefits

Integrating Across aims to tap into the bridge volume that is being generated from the expanding Mode ecosystem. This move will provide users and developers with efficient, cost-effective token bridging options, leveraging Across’ intent-based infrastructure. The goal is to enhance Across Protocol’s market presence by offering crucial bridging solutions in a promising ecosystem.

Some of the benefits of integrating Across with the Mode ecosystem include:

  1. Market Expansion – This integration enables Across to extend its reach and capture a larger portion of the bridge volume within the L2 space, specifically in the growing Mode ecosystem. Over 700m of assets has been bridged into Mode through canonical and external bridging products to date.
  2. Strengthened Partnerships – The Mode team is happy to support Across with partnership opportunities to key dApps in our ecosystem.


About Mode

Mode is an optimistc rollup which uses the OP Stack to offer extremely low transaction costs while relying on Ethereum’s security. We focus on bringing in new economic incentive models for developers and users in the Mode Ecosystem.

Mode has experienced significant TVL growth, reaching over 700m in TVL according to L2Beat and 585m in dApp TVL according to DeFiLlama. Within Mode there are a range of projects that could be interesting for Across to partner with to create new product experiences or power their protocols.

Technical Implementation

If approved, the technical implementation of this proposal will be led by core team members of Across, who will oversee the launch on Mode.

The Mode core team is excited to work with Across on engineering, engage in technical discussions, and audit workstreams to ensure this is a great launch. This collaboration aims to align both teams on the technical nuances and ensure a smooth, efficient implementation process.

New Chain Requirements

Per the New Chain Requirements, Found in the Across Documentation, Mode meets the following requirements:

Criteria Description Details
EVM Chain & Bridges EVM chain with a canonical token and message bridge to mainnet :white_check_mark: 30D TVL increase: ~$357M
RPC Node Providers ≥ 2 independent RPC node providers :white_check_mark: 4 RPCs (Blast, Tenderly, dRPC and 1rpc, found here.
Support Channel Dedicated support channel with technical members and priority support for contract development and debug :white_check_mark: Core Mode team has active support channels open directly with the Across core team.

Security Considerations

Please see Previous Mode audits at this link.

Mode Audit documentation here

Next Steps

The proposal will be in Request for Comment (RFC) phase. After receiving feedback and if the community agrees, a governance vote (on snapshot) will commence to assess the DAO’s desire to deploy on Mode. If the vote passes, the core teams will collaborate to deploy on Mode. The community will be notified as we make progress.


Welcome to the Across community and Forum @adam3001

I see this as a positive for both Mode and Across and will be happy to support and vote in the affirmative. No major concerns or questions from me, but looking forward to expanding Across to add support for Mode.


Considering the success surrounding the Mode ecosystem of late, I’m excited to see this proposal up and happy to support this.

Some of our partners at Across, such as Jumper Exchange, have recently launched on Mode and have seen great results. I’d love for us to indirectly support our aggregator partners by deploying on chains where the bridge options are currently few. I think it’s a great strategy for Across, especially, not to mention, the expected volume and users that should inevitably flow from this growing ecosystem.


Explored Mode a bit and the bridge I used was not great. Across will being qualitu interoperability for everyone. All for the superchain support :muscle:


Cool yes fun to get this live. Hopefully the protocol can unlock some new product experiences though partnerships with teams.

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