Integration and Utilization Campaign for Across with Latin America's Largest X-to-Earn Community

Hello Across Community Members,

I am Neto from, the first and largest X-to-Earn platform in Latin America. We at Cointimes would like to share our ideas for increasing the use of Across in Brazil by leveraging our platform.

What is Cointimes?

First, let us introduce ourselves. Cointimes is a platform that allows users to earn crypto in various ways, such as reading, learning, browsing the internet, and performing tasks both on and off the blockchain.

We achieve this through a shared economy model, distributing advertisers’ and partners’ money with the users. Think of it as a Google Adsense/Adwords but sharing a portion of the revenue with the users.

We have already partnered with major companies in the market to run campaigns here in Brazil. One of the biggest was with Ledger, the producer of physical wallets.

Key Facts about Cointimes

  • Cointimes has over 100,000 registered users.
  • Monthly, the site receives 349,000 unique users.
  • Our ad network generates over 20 million views per month.
  • The site alone has received over 4.4 million views in the last 30 days.
  • More than 10,000 people use the Cointimes extension, which has a 4.9 rating in the Google Chrome Web Store.

We have worked on campaigns with Ledger, Huobi, Foxbit Exchange, Phicube, and recently, we were approved for Ripple’s grant program. We have a 7-year track record in the Brazilian crypto market.

Overview of the market

Latin America is one of the regions with the highest cryptocurrency adoption, with countries like Argentina, Venezuela, and Brazil strongly adhering to blockchain technologies, mainly as inflation protection and investment (in the case of Brazil).

In Brazil alone, there are 26 million investors. Our goal is to bring these crypto investors to use web3, and one of the best ways is through rewards and education.

Our Objective

  • Educate users about the Across protocol, highlighting its advantages, with content specifically created for the main market in South America.
  • Increase awareness in the Lusophone community, which includes over 301.6 million speakers in countries like Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Macau, Angola, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe, Portugal, Timor-Leste, and some Indian states.
  • Increase transactional volume on the protocol through use-to-earn.
  • Distribute Across (ACX) to users, integrating them into the protocol’s user community.

Simplified Proposal

We want to integrate Across within the X-to-Earn platform, allowing users to earn by performing tasks using or learning about Across.

Complete Proposal for Quests Using the Protocol

We seek a grant to distribute Across (ACX) to users as they use and learn about the protocol.

Our proposal is divided into two parts: the first is “Learn-to-Earn,” created to educate users on the advantages and how to use the protocol, and the second integrates transaction verification using the protocol within our platform through the use-to-earn mechanism (similar to Layer3).


We can create a learn-to-earn program where users earn by learning and reading about Across. This way, users understand and learn how to use the protocol before starting doing tasks on the protocol.

Some of the Learn-to-Earn missions include:

  • What is Across?
  • Step-by-step guide on how to use Across
  • An explanatory video on how to use the protocol and complete missions


We want users to experience the protocol, so we have created several quests for them:

  • Bridge Tether from Polygon to the Arbitrum network using Across.
  • Earn ACX with the USDT Pool using Across on Arbitrum.
  • Bridge ETH to the OP network.
  • Add ACX earned on Cointimes to the rewards pool to earn ACX rewards.

Additionally, we commit to providing monthly campaign results, including views, educated users, and tasks completed using the protocol.

Campaign Duration

4 months or until the rewards are exhausted.

Funding Request

We request a total of $14,000 for content creation, gamification, and platform integration for use-to-earn, learn-to-earn, and token distribution.

Of the total, 20% ($2,800) will be used to distribute rewards to users, with 15% allocated to use-to-earn and 5% to learn-to-earn.

What do you think of the proposal? We believe we can bring many users and increase the overall use of the protocol.