If you’d like to apply for a position in the Across Community Essentials Committee, please fill out this template in a reply to this post. Applications will be open until EOD on July 28th, and interviews will begin the following Monday.
Discord handle:
What should we call you (if different):
What position would you like to apply for (must specify):
Describe your previous involvement/contributions with Across:
What kind of time commitment are you prepared to make for this committee?
Please keep in mind that each applicant will be asked to participate in an open interview. These will take place on the stage with Britt and will be recorded for review by those who are unable to attend.
During your interview you should be prepared to answer the following questions:
Interest Questions
Why do you want to be on this committee?
What is your vision for Across DAO?
What do you like most about the Across DAO?
If you could change one thing in the DAO what would that be?
Background Questions
What qualities would you bring to the committee?
What kind of experience do you have that makes you a strong candidate for this position?
General Crypto Participation Questions
If not answered above, what is your history in the crypto space?
Are you active in other DAOs? Which ones?
Have you been on a committee in another DAO? Are you currently?
Which other bridges have you used?
Knowledge of Product Questions
Can you describe, at a high level, how Across works?
What is the Optimistic Oracle and why is it important for Across?
*Do you know what oSnap is? Can you tell me how it’s used in Across?
Across Participation Questions
Can you provide support for your past involvement with Across? (this can include past contributions to community, wallet address that is used for bridging, wallet address with staked ACX, etc.)
What position would you like to apply for: coordinator or communicator
Describe your previous involvement/contributions with Across:
Co-Founder, Senior DAO Contributor, Active involvement in parties planning (Across V2, ACX launch, etc), organising events and competitions, ACX staker since day one
What kind of time commitment are you prepared to make for this committee?
Availability and commitment whenever is needed. I am available almost 24/7
What position would you like to apply for (must specify): Reviewer or Coordinator
Describe your previous involvement/contributions with Across: Early bridge user/Ranger, active community member, active relayer, developer building on top of Across
What kind of time commitment are you prepared to make for this committee?
I’m prepared to do whatever is needed, but in general I can allocate 5-10 hours per week on top of my existing daily involvement and participation in the community.
What kind of time commitment are you prepared to make for this committee?
I am committed to dedicating as much time as the role requires to fulfill its responsibilities effectively. I believe that a balanced commitment will benefit the committee and enable me to contribute my best efforts to its success.
What should we call you (if different): Neondaemon or Neon
What position would you like to apply for (must specify): Proposer
Describe your previous involvement/contributions with Across:
Community member since the start / ACX holder / LP Provider & Staker / Across Bridge user / Relayer (not currently)
What kind of time commitment are you prepared to make for this committee?
Between 5 to 10 hours per week.
What position would you like to apply for (must specify):
Coordinator, reviewer, or executor.
Describe your previous involvement/contributions with Across:
Active in governance, staker, actively pursuing integrations for both UMA and Across.
What kind of time commitment are you prepared to make for this committee?
This is a hobby for me and I do work 45 hours a week at my full time job. That said I can usually find time to fit things in during my work day and listen in on calls.
What position would you like to apply for (must specify): Coordinator
Describe your previous involvement/contributions with Across: ACX staker and holder, Across member from the beginning, previously a bot whisperer, organisoor, and partook in notion management.
What kind of time commitment are you prepared to make for this committee?: 5 hours per day.
What Position would you like to apply for? Reviewer
Describe your previous involvement/contributions with Across:
Co-Founder, Bridge Guardian, Former Bot whisperer, Senior DAO Contributor, Former Organisoor, ACX Staker, helped with community building in the early days.
What kind of time commitment are you prepared to make for this committee? 3- 4 hrs per day
I can make myself available as needed for meetings, ect. I don’t mind taking on responsibilities and I will put in the time required to complete things in a timely and accurate manner.