Across Community Essentials Committee January 2024 Report

Committee members: Mide, mydefi, neondaemon, PVM, TheRealTuna
Event manager: Infinity
Front Desk: Smarty


This monthly report covers Across DAO activities and focus areas for January 2024.


The CEC Renewal Proposal successfully passed in mid-January after being delayed due to the holidays.

Treasury Management

  • Bridged CEC budget ACX tokens from Ethereum to Optimism
  • Set up Llamapay for CEC streaming payments
  • Paid 2 integration bounties
  • Reimbursed Brittany for Discord Nitro upgrade
  • Covered gas fees for past transactions
  • Purchased 4 Notion subscriptions for documentation


A trial of Wonderverse gamified onboarding is being worked on and will be rolled out soon.


Purchased 4 Notion subscriptions for centralising community docs and recordings going forward.
The Across DAO Handbook remains in progress.


2 bridges integrated Across through the Community Integration Campaign:

Continuing to engage community members to bring in more integrations.

Contests / Games

Events went according to plan . Participation increased, reaching more than 25 participants on several occasions. New users have to contribute, i.e. active in Discord, listen on calls to be able to qualify for opACX in the various activities.

AFCON & Asian Cup football tournaments: Picking winners of individual games. This has helped increase participation in the DAO over the weekends.


  • Gartic: 5
  • Decorations: 1
  • Poker: 2
  • Quiz: 1
  • Crossword: 1
  • word search: 1
  • Futbol contests: 4
  • Random games:1
  • Airdrops: 4

Social Media

Mide is implementing a “reply guy” Twitter strategy to boost engagement. Rather than simply liking and retweeting engage more actively with posts from different projects. For example quote retweet and participate in online discussions. PVM did exactly this with For the People NFT.

PVM continues to publish excellent articles on publish0x including:

Discord Moderation

Infinity and Smarty with the help of the CEC are actively removing scammers/bots. Unfortunately this continues to be daily activity.